Detailed problem information – Brocade Fabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide (Supporting Fabric OS v7.3.0) User Manual
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Fabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide
Building a case for your switch support provider
Are there VE, VEX, or EX ports connected to the chassis? Yes or no.
Use the switchShow command to determine the answer.
How large is the fabric?
Use the nsAllShow command to determine the answer.
Do you have encryption blades or switches installed in the fabric? Yes or no.
Do you have Virtual Fabrics enabled in the fabric? Yes or no.
Use the switchShow command to determine the answer.
Do you have IPsec installed on the switch’s Ethernet interface? Yes or no.
Use the ipsecConfig
show command to determine the answer.
Do you have In-band Management installed on the switch’s Gigabit Ethernet ports? Yes or
Use the portShow iproute geX command to determine the answer.
Are you using NPIV? Yes or no.
Use the switchShow command to determine the answer.
Are there security policies turned on in the fabric? If so, what are they? Gather the output
from the following commands:
5. Is the fabric redundant? If yes, what is the MPIO software? (List vendor and version.)
6. If you have a redundant fabric, did a failover occur? To verify, view the RASlogs on both CPs and
look for messages related to haFailover, for example, HAM-1004.
7. Was POST enabled on the switch? Use the diagPost command to verify if POST is enabled or
8. Which CP blade was active? (Only applicable to Brocade DCX, DCX-4S, and DCX 8510 family
enterprise-class platforms.) Use the haShow command in conjunction with the RASlogs to
determine which is the active and standby CP. They will reverse roles in a failover and their
logs are separate.
Detailed problem information
Obtain as much of the following informationas possible prior to contacting the SAN technical
support vendor.
Document the sequence of events by answering the following questions:
When did the problem occur?
Is this a new installation?
How long has the problem been occurring?