3 daqmanager restrictions and caution items, Upper limit for the number of devices, Displayable tags – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual

Page 97: Handling of files with a time change, Message handling, Handling of files with a crc error, Display cases with list display, Number of data points on the waveform display, 3 daqmanager restrictions and caution items -6, 3 daqmanager restrctons and cauton items

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IM 04L47B01-01EN

5.3 DAQManager Restrctons and Cauton Items

Upper lmt for the ndex sze for the management area

The upper limit for the index size is 2 Gbyte. Approximately 100,000 files can be handled
with an index file of 2 Gbyte. However, the number of files which can be handled
changes according to the number of alarms etc. The index size can be confirmed on the
management area edit screen.

Upper lmt for the number of devces

The upper limit for the number of devices which can be handled by one index file is 300.

Dsplayable tags

The upper limit for tags which can be displayed with the same waveform screen or a
graph is 100.

Handlng of fles wth a tme change

Files with a time change are handled as different tags.

Restrctons when the tag name has been changed durng regstraton

The newest tag name in the imported file is used.

Handlng of graphs when a tag name has been changed durng regstraton

When the tag name of a configuration tag of a file saved by DAQManager has changed,
change is made to the most recent tag name.

Restrctons when the group confguraton has changed durng regstraton

The most recent group information and group name in the imported file are used.

Message handlng

The most recent group information of the group to which the message has been written
is used.

Handlng of fles wth a CRC error

DAQManager cannot import or open files with a CRC error. The viewer function of the
DAQSTANDARD software can be used.

Dsplay cases wth lst dsplay

The maximum number of cases for list display is 100,000. However, Data including
100,000 cases or more are included at the time of search and sorting.

Number of data ponts on the waveform dsplay

If the number of data points on the waveform display exceeds approximately 2 billion
(precisely, 2,147,483,647) consecutive data points, the waveforms will not be displayed
properly. If the scan interval is 1 s, this number of consecutive data points is acquired in
approximately 68 years. If the scan interval is 25 ms, this number of consecutive data
points is acquired in approximately 1.7 years. If the number of consecutive data points
exceeds this limit, to display waveforms properly, files can be deleted from the oldest file
so that the number of data points on the waveform display is kept within this upper limit.

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