Data search function, Data display function, Data search function -4 data display function -4 – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual
Page 11: Data search functon, Data dsplay functon
IM 04L47B01-01EN
Data Search Functon
Lst Search Functon
Restricted search for a displayed list is possible by specifying a text string or a time
• Search with specification of a time period
“None”, “Date and time”, “Last xx Hour”, “Last xx Day”, “Last xx Month”, and “Last xx
Year.” For [Date and time], enter a start and end date/time for the search period.
• Search with specification of a text string
When a text string is specified, the object item differs according to the list type.
• Alarm search
In case of an alarm list, search is performed by alarm type.
Search Condtons Savng Functon
The search conditions are given a name and are saved. The saved search conditions
can be used again to search.
Savng Waveform Dsplay Condtons
The waveform display conditions are given a name and are saved. The saved display
conditions can be used again to display a waveform again. In this manual, saved
waveform display conditions are listed as a graph. The same applies for [Graph] on the
DAQManager software display screen.
Graphs can be searched by save time or graph name text string.
Data Dsplay Functon
Data are selected from a searched list and waveform display is performed. Waveforms
of different equipment or cycles can be displayed by the same viewer. Trend waveform
display, alarm display, mark/message display, cursor value display, and section
calculation display can be performed.
The information of the displayed data is saved as waveform display conditions. The
waveform display conditions are called a “graph.”
Waveform Dsplay
• Display is made in group units. A maximum of 50 groups can be displayed.
• A maximum of 100 tag waveforms can be displayed per group.
• The waveform from start to stop can be displayed with scrolling.
• Alarm show/hide can be selected.
• The time axis and the vertical axis (Y-axis) of the waveform can be magnified or
• Optional tags can be added and displayed.
• Marks can be added, deleted, displayed or hidden.
• Optional sections can be displayed.
• Two cursors are displayed.
• Cursor jump is possible to messages, marks, and alarms.
• Cursor value display (max. value, min. value) is possible on trend waveforms.
• Zone setting (full, automatic, slide, free mode) is possible for the vertical axis (Y-axis).
• Detail display is performed for the cursor value.
• Active tag information (properties) is displayed.
• One-page printing and one-page time specification printing are possible.
• A one-page arbitrary time span can be specified and printed.
• Conversion to Excel or text is possible for the cursor range or the entire range.
• Display of the start and stop section is possible without file linking.
• A bitmap image of the waveform display screen can be copied to the clipboard.
1.1 Overvew of Functons