6 displaying digital values, 6 displaying digital values -21, 6 dsplayng dgtal values – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual
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IM 04L47B01-01EN
Data D
splay Methods
4.6 Dsplayng Dgtal Values
You can display digital values of waveform-displayed tags in spreadsheet format. When
displaying data of different intervals, the value of time for which there is no data is
displayed as the previous value or the subsequent value.
Dsplayng dgtal values
After displaying waveforms of the data that you wish to display as digital values,
make the data active, then click
Wndow > Dgtal value dsplay on the menu
bar, or click the [Digital value display] icon.
Digital values can be displayed in spreadsheet format.
Cursor range
Active channel
The channel with a light blue frame is
the active channel, and if you click the
cell of another channel you can
change the active channel.
Mark icon
Green: Mark created on DAQManager
Yellow: Mark created on the recorder
You can edit a mark added to a time cell
on the recorder by double-clicking it
Alarm display
(Displays the conditions of alarm 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the left)
Red: Alarm occurring, Green: No alarm
A cell with no value, filled (gray display)
Settng values for tme for whch no data exsts
On the menu bar, click
Dsplay > Dgtal dsplay of Cell wthout value >
Paddng, or Not paddng.
Copy to clpboard
On the menu bar, click
Edt > Copy to clpboard, or press Ctrl + C.