Changing display/no display of cursor values, Changing the cursor value transparency, Section calculation value display – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual

Page 76: Changng dsplay/no dsplay of cursor values, Changng the cursor value transparency, Secton calculaton value dsplay

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IM 04L47B01-01EN

Changng Dsplay/No Dsplay of cursor values

On the menu bar, click

Dsplay > Cursor Value, or click the cursor value display

switching icon. (See the figure below, “Example of cursor values not displayed.”)
The cursor value Display/No display setting is saved in the waveform display conditions

Changng the cursor value transparency

You can set the transparency used when displaying cursor values. The transparency
setting is saved with the waveform display conditions (graph).
On the menu bar, click

Dsplay > Transparency of cursor value > Translucence, or

Translucence: The display beneath the cursor value display is visible.

No translucence.

Example of translucent


Example of opaque


Example of cursor

values not dsplayed

Secton calculaton value dsplay


Wndow > Statstcs from the menu bar or click the “Secton calculaton

dsplay” icon to display the “Statistics” screen.

Section calculation display

Calculation section start data time (cursor A)

Calculation section end data time (cursor B)

Data is copied onto the clipboard.

Recalculates when you change a

cursor position

Minimum value, maximum value, P-P value, and mean value are calculated and
displayed for each waveform in the range selected with cursor A and cursor B. When no
cursors are displayed, calculation is performed for all data.
As the calculation results are not linked to cursor A and cursor B, update the calculation
result by clicking the

[Re-Calc.] button on the “Statistics” screen when the positions of

cursor A and cursor B have changed.
If you click the [Copy to clipboard] button, the text data of statistics is copied to the


If the display data is data in waveform display, the average values of section value calculation
cannot be displayed.

4.7 Cursor Use

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