Waveform display restrictions, Legend display switching, Index – Yokogawa Button Operated MV2000 User Manual
Page 71: Waveform dsplay restrctons, Legend dsplay swtchng
IM 04L47B01-01EN
Data D
splay Methods
Waveform dsplay restrctons
Y-Axs > Clp from the menu bar or click the following icon.
Restriction of the waveform display range in Y-axis direction is possible from the
minimum value to the maximum value set with “Scale” in the “General Display Settings”
dialog box. Measuring values smaller than the minimum scale value are displayed pasted
to the minimum value, and measuring values larger than the maximum scale value are
displayed pasted to the maximum value.
• Examples for restrcted dsplay
• Examples for unrestrcted dsplay
Legend dsplay swtchng
Vew > Legend from the menu bar or click the following icon to switch between
showing and hiding the legend.
Legend display switching
Legend has a channel display mode and an axis display mode.
• Channel dsplay mode
Channel display is made. Show or Hide can be selected for each axis.
• Axs dsplay mode
Y-axis and channel are displayed.
In case of grouping, hierarchical display is made for each unit or group.
Show or Hide can be selected for all axes.
Example for channel display mode
Example for axis display mode
Display mode switching button
Click for waveform Show/Hide
State with hidden waveform display
State with waveform display
All waveform display of
lower hierarchical levels
Either the channel name, tag name, or tag number is used as an identifier for channels
in the legend. You can switch the identifier by clicking
Vew on the menu bar followed by
Channel number, Tag name, or Tag No.
Select one
When Tag name is selected
4.5 Changng the Waveform Dsplay