Warner Electric MCS-208 User Manual
Page 20
Warner Electric • 800-825-9050
P-276 • 819-9045
c. If the pressure reads 0 psig, turn the
zero pot CW until the pressure rises
above zero. Then slowly turn the pot
CCW until the pressure just reaches
d. Return the Brake-Off switch to its
normal run mode.
e. Turn on the Brake-On switch and
adjust the pressure to Pmax. Turn the
span CW to increase pressure and
CCW to decrease pressure.
C. Input Calibration
NoTe: The following calibratin procedures assume that
the minimum input corresponds to zero output pressure
to the brake, and that the maximum input corresponds
to an output pressure of P cal to the brake. See Table 2,
for the values of P cal.
Follow the procedure below (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) that applies
to the input mode selected: These adjustments should
be made with the Brake-Off and Brake-On switches in
the run mode.
1. Local torque adjust mode
a. Insure power is on and torque
adjust/span is set fully CCW.
b. Set the “zero adjust” potentiometer
through the front panel so the
transducer output pressure is zero.
c. Now rotate the front panel
torque/span potentiometer toward its
maximum setting. As the pot is
turned CW toward its maximum
position the control ouput will reach
P cal.
The ouput pressure should not
exceed P max. If it does, recheck
Brake-Off/Brake-On calibration,
Step 6.
NoTe: Steps a through c, above, may have to be
repeated to achieve full range adjustment of the
torque/span potentiometer.
2. Remote torque adjust
a. Insure that system power is on.
b. Set the remote torque adjust
potentiometer to maximum.
c. Set the front panel torque span
adjust for a transducer pressure
output of P cal.
d. Set the remote torque adjust
potentiometer to minimum.
e. Set the zero adjust potentiometer
through the front panel to obtain a
transducer pressure output of zero.
f. Repeat steps b through e above as
these two adjustments will interact
with each other.
g. After the proper span adjustment is
obtained, remove the torque span
knob and insert the cap plug into the
hole to prevent tampering.
3. Current source adjust
a. Insure that system power is on.
b. Adjust the external current source for
minimum input current, based on the
operating range selected.
c. Adjust the zero adjust potentiometer
through the front panel to obtain a
transducer output pressure of zero.
Do not turn potentiometer further
CCW than necessary to reach zero
d. Set the external current source to
maximum input based on the
operating range selected.
e. Adjust the front panel torque span
potentiometer for a transducer
output pressure of P cal. Do not turn
potentiometer further CW than
necessary to reach P cal.
f. Repeat steps b through e to insure
there is no interaction between
g. After set-up has been completed, the
torque span knob should be removed
and the hole plugged with the insert
4. Voltage source adjust
a. Insure that the system power is on.