Warner Electric MCS-208 User Manual

Page 20

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Warner Electric • 800-825-9050

P-276 • 819-9045

 c. If the pressure reads 0 psig, turn the

zero pot CW until the pressure rises
above zero. Then slowly turn the pot
CCW until the pressure just reaches

 d. Return the Brake-Off switch to its

normal run mode.

 e. Turn on the Brake-On switch and

adjust the pressure to Pmax. Turn the
span CW to increase pressure and
CCW to decrease pressure.

C. Input Calibration

NoTe: The following calibratin procedures assume that
the minimum input corresponds to zero output pressure
to the brake, and that the maximum input corresponds
to an output pressure of P cal to the brake. See Table 2,
for the values of P cal.

Follow the procedure below (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) that applies
to the input mode selected: These adjustments should
be made with the Brake-Off and Brake-On switches in
the run mode.

 1. Local torque adjust mode

 a. Insure power is on and torque

adjust/span is set fully CCW.

 b. Set the “zero adjust” potentiometer

through the front panel so the
transducer output pressure is zero.

 c. Now rotate the front panel

torque/span potentiometer toward its
maximum setting. As the pot is
turned CW toward its maximum
position the control ouput will reach
P cal.

The ouput pressure should not
exceed P max. If it does, recheck
Brake-Off/Brake-On calibration,
Step 6.

NoTe: Steps a through c, above, may have to be
repeated to achieve full range adjustment of the
torque/span potentiometer.

 2. Remote torque adjust

 a. Insure that system power is on.

 b. Set the remote torque adjust

potentiometer to maximum.

 c. Set the front panel torque span

adjust for a transducer pressure
output of P cal.

 d. Set the remote torque adjust

potentiometer to minimum.

 e. Set the zero adjust potentiometer

through the front panel to obtain a
transducer pressure output of zero.

 f. Repeat steps b through e above as

these two adjustments will interact
with each other.

 g. After the proper span adjustment is

obtained, remove the torque span
knob and insert the cap plug into the
hole to prevent tampering.

 3. Current source adjust

 a. Insure that system power is on.

 b. Adjust the external current source for

minimum input current, based on the
operating range selected.

 c. Adjust the zero adjust potentiometer

through the front panel to obtain a
transducer output pressure of zero.
Do not turn potentiometer further
CCW than necessary to reach zero

 d. Set the external current source to

maximum input based on the
operating range selected.

 e. Adjust the front panel torque span

potentiometer for a transducer
output pressure of P cal. Do not turn
potentiometer further CW than
necessary to reach P cal.

 f. Repeat steps b through e to insure

there is no interaction between

 g. After set-up has been completed, the

torque span knob should be removed
and the hole plugged with the insert

 4. Voltage source adjust

 a. Insure that the system power is on.

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