Warner Electric SF_PB 400 User Manual
Sf/pb 400 armature release spring, Installation instructions

Figure 2
Assemble the snap ring into the groove in the hub,
clamping the release spring against the end of the
spline. (See Figure 3)
Figure 3
Slide armature and hub assembly on shaft to where the
armature is in contact with the mating rotor or magnet
face. Slide armature hub back approximately 1/32" for
free running clearance. (See Figure 4)
Figure 4
With the armature hub secured to the shaft and the coil
de-energized, the springs will return the armature axially
on the spline until it makes contact with the snap ring.
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In the normal installation of a size 400 clutch or brake,
no provision is made to provide a positive clearance
between friction surfaces. Installation of the release
springs, as described below, will maintain a clearance
between the armature and rotor or replaceable face
when the unit is de-energized. This feature will eliminate
the noise or drag often developed in units without the
release springs.
The Spirolox ring, inserted behind the snap ring
furnished with the hub will act as a spacer and will
assure proper release spring operation.
Accessory No. 5104-101-003-contains 2 release
springs, No. 808-0079, for size 400.
Insert the release springs into the backing plate holes of
the armature as shown in figure 1. Bow the springs as
necessary to insert in the armature. The springs are
curved in the free state. The curve at the center of the
spring should bear against the armature when in place.
Figure 1
Remove the snap ring from the hub. Insert the hub into
the armature from the segment side. Slide the hub into
the armature until the release springs engage the snap
ring groove. (See Figure 2)
SF/PB 400 Armature Release Spring
Installation Instructions
Warner Electric • 800-825-9050
P-1368 • 819-0030