Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual
Page 9

may choose to download your shows through the serial port. If your shows are large, it
is generally much faster and easier to drag-n-drop the completed showsʼ AutoDownload
file onto the Sd/SdHC flash card that is then plugged into the Br-ANA.
On the Br-ANA, sixteen channels of data are converted to the individual 0-10 volt
analog outputs. If twelve bit resolution has been selected for the outputs, then twenty-
four channels of DMX-512 data are converted to individual 0-10 volt analog values. The
first 256 channels of data are also transmitted through the Z-Brick output
The analog outputs of the Br-ANA are oversampled for ultra-smooth outputs, typically
to four times the current frame rate. This means that even with eight bit resolution data
arriving at 30 FPS, the outputs will have four sub-frame outputs at 12 bit resolution at
120 Hz between each full frame of data that arrives.
The analog and PCM outputsʼ range can be scaled or even reversed without affecting
the resolution of the outputs. For the analog outputs, this means that each end of the
analog output can be limited to anywhere between zero and ten volts. This allows you to
limit the range of travel of an analog movement, usually without losing any resolution on
the output.
All 512 channels of data are transmitted through the DMX-512 output on a Br-ANA,
including those channels it is using for its own analog outputs. The DMX-512 output can
be used to control other GilderGear, light dimmers, automated spotlights, color chang-
ers, fog and wind machines, or any other pieces of equipment which will accept stan-
dard DMX-512. If there are less than 512 channels of data in the shows, channels past
the last channel are sent as ʻzerosʼ. If you are transmitting DMX-512 data with Gilder-
Checksums, you will want to avoid addressing dimmers and other devices to the same
addresses that are used for the checksums (257 and 258).
The Br-ANA can be mounted in one 1” wide slot in any of our Brick Card cages. The
Br-ANA can be used in conjunction with any selection of 'Smart' Bricks, 'Smart' Brick
Brains, Electronic FeedBack (EFB) 'Smart' Bricks and Z-Bricks in the same card cage.
Card cages with one, two, three or sixteen slots are available. The card cages provide
all the connections for power supply, control signals and outputs that any Brick card will
need. Several different styles of output connectors are available on the one and two slot
card cages. The sixteen slot card cage mounts in seven inches of standard 19” rack
space (4-1/2 “ of space behind the panel). In some applications you may need to mount
a single Br-ANA. This can be done by mounting the Br-ANA on standoffs, and connect-
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 9 of 60
The Z-Brick connector is a legacy connection. It is there just for backwards-compatibility on existing systems. It is highly recom-
mended that you do not use the Z-Brick connector for attaching Z-Bricks. Instead, just send DMX-512 to them just as you would for
any other GilderGear. The Z-Brick connector will likely not be installed unless specifically requested on new builds of Br-ANAs.