Continue show, E-stop show, Clear e-stop – Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual
Page 49

F) Continue Show:
The opposite of the ʻPauseʼ Input Action, this will allow a paused show to
return to playing. On the LCD display and Br-ANAʼs menus, the show status
will be shown as ʻloopingʼ or ʻplayingʼ, depending on what its status was be-
fore the ʼpauseʼ.
G) E-stop Show:
This stops a sequencer playing immediately, and prevents the sequencer
from being restarted until the ʻClear E-Stopʼ input action is received, or the
Br-ANA is reset.
Use the drop down to the right of the Input Action to select whether this
Input Action will freeze the outputs at the ʻCurrent Frameʼ or outputs the first
frame of a specific show (Analog outputs will be EasedIn so they donʼt
jump). All the shows in the AutoDownload list will be shown in the drop
down, and you can select the specific one you would like to use for E-Stops.
Freezing at the current frame is used when additional movements on the
analog outputs is more hazardous than leaving them right where they are
(which is often the case on motion bases).
Jumping to the first frame of a specified show allows you to define the E-
Stop output levels for all analogs and digitals. Use this to turn on emergency
lighting, open doors, and return all outputs to a safe ʻhomeʼ position.
The E-Stop Input Action is most commonly used on the ʻopeningʼ edge
input. This is so a wire break or other fault between the Br-ANA and an E-
Stop button will ʻfail safeʼ on the Br-ANA.
On the LCD display and Br-ANAʼs menus, the show status will be shown
as ʻE-Stopʼ, to indicate that the sequencer has been locked up and will not
be allowed to start any other shows until the E-Stop is E-Cleared.
H) Clear E-stop:
This just clears the lock that the E-Stop puts on a sequencer. This lock
prevents it from starting any other shows until it has been cleared.
The ʻClear E-Stopʼ Input Action is most commonly used on the closing
edge of the same input that triggers the E-Stop. This is so that pulling the E-
Stop mushroom switch back to itʼs ʻreadyʼ position will also clear the E-Stop
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 49 of 60