Sequencer enabled, Dmx-512 mode, D) dmx-512 zero-based or one-based – Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual

Page 35

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(addresses 2, 5, 8, 11, etc.) will need to have the previous two addresses
sent (or burnt into the Flash Memory) so that its lowest four bit nibble isnʼt
lobbed off.

C) Sequencer Enabled:

This toggle enables and disables the Br-ANA to use the Animation Data

Flash Memory. When it is OFF, nothing will be output from the AutoDown-
load file stored on the micro Sd/SdHC flash card. Any output data must
come from either the DMX-512 or Serial Port inputs. If it is ON, then the data
from the AutoDownload file on the micro Sd/SdHC flash card will be sent

D) DMX-512 mode:

If using a v1.1 AutoDownload file generated with Pc•MACs version or later, this will be set automatically for you from data in the
AutoDownload file.

If there isnʼt a v1.1 AutoDownload file being used, this command is a tog-

gle which can be used to enable and disable the DMX-512 reception and
transmission, as well as the GilderChecksums.

The GilderChecksums allow GilderGear to recognize errors in DMX-512

data. With GilderChecksums, the outputs wonʼt be updated when a bad data
packet is received. GilderChecksums should be left ON whenever sending
DMX-512 to other GilderGear.

The Br-ANA, and most other GilderGear will automatically sense when it

is receiving GilderCheckSums. Once it does this, the GilderGear will have to
be reset before it will accept DMX-512 data without GilderCheckSums.

^d) DMX-512 Zero-Based or One-Based:

If using a v1.1 AutoDownload file generated with Pc•MACs version or later, this will be set automatically for you from data in the
AutoDownload file.

If there isnʼt a v1.1 AutoDownload file being used, this command is a tog-

gle between displaying DMX-512 addresses as 0-511 numbers, or as 1-512

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 35 of 60