Numbering system, Output to test & adjust, Test output – Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual

Page 37

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You can tell when an Ease-In is being performed by the Heartbeat jump-

ing to a speed twice normal. Once all outputs have dropped out of Ease-In
mode, the heartbeat will return to its regular rate.

Which outputs have been set to use the Ease-In Feature is shown under

the column labeled ʻEIʼ. Outputs which will be Eased In are shown by the let-
ter ʻYʼ. All other channels will be unaffected by the Ease-In.

The Ease-In only affects the sixteen on-board analog outputs from the Br-

ANA. All the data output on DMX-512 or Z-Buss port to the Z-Bricks are un-

F) Numbering System:

This toggle is used to select between HEXadecimal, Decimal or percent-

age numbering systems for display and entries. When the Br-ANA prompts
you for a numeric entry, you will need to enter a HEXadecimal or Decimal
number, depending on this setting.

J) Output to Test & Adjust:

This command is used to set the output address that will be used by the

'Test Output', 'Set Analog Endpoints', 'Force output to a Value', ʻset Min/Max/
forced using keypadʼ, and 'set PowerOn Defaults' commands. If the output
address selected is one of the sixteen on the Br-ANA, then an arrow will ap-
pear to the left of it on the screen. In the eight bit resolution example screen
above you can see this arrow pointing to output #1, which happens to be
addressed at address ʻ001ʼ. Since some of the adjustments can affect chan-
nels that are only transmitted through the DMX-512 and Z-Brick outputs, the
address can be set to anywhere between 0 and 511 (or 1-512).

If the AutoDownload file is a v1.1 or later, the FigureName and Output-

Name will be displayed just below the ʻTest Outputʼ command.

K) Test Output:

When toggled to ʻTest One Outputʼ, the single output selected by the

'Output to Test & Adjust' command will be ramped up and down. The ramp
time is about 5 seconds. The time the output dwells at each extreme is
about one second.

When pressed a second time, this command will toggle to ʻTest All Out-

putsʼ. All the outputs will be ramped between their two extremes. The ramp

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 37 of 60