Br-ana overview – Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual

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Br-ANA Overview

The Br-ANA is an output card which has sixteen 0-10 volt analog outputs, DMX-512

input and output and a legacy port for attaching Z-Bricks


. For storing up to 255 shows,

it uses any standard Sd or SdHC flash card. For triggering those shows, there are four
optically isolated inputs, or the RS-422 networkable serial port can be used.

The outputs on the Br-ANA can be set to use either eight or twelve bits of resolution.

They are designed to be used as stand-alone show controllers, as a ʻmasterʼ sending
data to other devices that act as ʻslavesʼ on a DMX-512 network, or as ʻslavesʼ them-
selves, receiving DMX-512 data from a ʻmasterʼ elsewhere on the DMX-512 network:

1) Br-ANA running standalone or acting as a ʻMasterʼ: In this mode of op-

eration, data for the outputs is stored in the standard Sd or SdHC flash card.


The Br-ANA when running standalone or acting as a ʻMasterʼ can use one

of two sources for the frame rate clock:

a) Br-ANA in ʻDumbʼ Brick Mode:

Switch #4 must be in the ʻDumbʼ Brick position to operate as a ʻDumbʼ

Brick. There should never be both ʻSmartʼ and ʻDumbʼ Bricks in the same
card cage. Damage may result if there are.

When in ʻDumbʼ Brick mode, the shows can be triggered by the four

switch closure inputs, low speed RS-422 serial port inputs, or shows can
be set to run continuously. The clock source for all shows once they are
started is the high accuracy crystal oscillator (+/- 25 PPM) on the Br-ANA.

Multiple ʻDumbʼ bricks can be triggered simultaneously, but this is not

generally recommended as a way to synchronize multiple units. The far
better way of synchronizing is by sending data stored on the designated
ʻmasterʼ to all the ʻslavesʼ attached to a DMX-512 network.

This Br-ANA acts just like any other Playback-Only 'Dumb' Brick, play-

ing animation data from the Sd Flash card. The Br-ANA can be set to
start and play a show at power up, or only play when triggered to do so.
The Br-ANA then uses the show data stored in the Flash Memory to up-
date its analog and DMX-512 outputs at the appropriate frame rate.

b) Br-ANA in ʻSmartʼ Brick Mode:

Switch #4 must be in the ʻSmartʼ Brick position to operate as a ʻSmartʼ

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 7 of 60


The Z-Brick connector is a legacy connection. It is there just for backwards-compatibility on existing systems. It is highly recom-

mended that you do not use the Z-Brick connector for attaching Z-Bricks. Instead, just send DMX-512 to them just as you would for
any other GilderGear. The Z-Brick connector will likely not be installed unless specifically requested on new builds of Br-ANAs.