Power supply (on card cage) – Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual
Page 22
J8 with External Power
If you donʼt have an external source of power for these two inputs, you
can ʻstealʼ some juice from the Br-ANAʼs power supply connections by put-
ting the ʻJ8 Powerʼ switch in the ʻInternalʼ position.
J8 with Internal Power
F) Power Supply (on Card Cage)
(Two Position Screw Terminals and/or 2.1mm Power Connector)
The last ten contacts of the Br-ANAʼs edge connector are used for the
power supply connections. The Br-ANA can be run from any supply voltage
from 17-24 VDC. Any lower than this and the card will not have the head-
room when the outputs to reach all the way to 10 Volts. You can see the ef-
fects of a too low voltage power supply if the outputs do not reach all the
way to 10 volts, or have an excessive ripple in them when they get near to
10 volts.
This input is protected from reversed polarity. An idle Br-ANA draws only
about 150 milliamperes. The loads which the Br-ANA is controlling and the
LEDs on its face will usually draw far more current than the Br-ANA itself.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 22 of 60