Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual
Page 39
This will automatically force the output to the ʻzeroʼ position
. For cylinders
and electric actuators, this is usually the fully retracted position. You can ad-
just the analog output to anywhere between 0 and 10 volts. If you adjust the
ʻminimumʼ to a voltage that is higher than the ʻmaximumʼ, this is perfectly ac-
ceptable, and is the easiest way to reverse the motion of an actuator.
The keys are used as follows:
1) decrements the ʻminimumʼ position value
4) sets the ʻminimumʼ position value to 128 (50%)
7) increments the ʻminimumʼ position value
Use the ʻ2ʼ, ʻ5ʼ and ʻ8ʼ keys to adjust the ʻmaximumʼ position the for the
selected analog output. This sets the voltage that will be sent out from the
Br-ANA when you give it a ʻ100%ʼ position command through the DMX-512
or AutoDownload file. The default analog output (when set to 255/0FFh) is
10 vdc. This will automatically force the output to the ʻ100%ʼ position
. For
cylinders and electric actuators, this is usually the fully extended position.
You can adjust the analog output to anywhere between 0 and 10 volts. If you
adjust the ʻmaximumʼ to a voltage that is lower than the ʻminimumʼ, this is
perfectly acceptable, and is the easiest way to reverse the motion of an ac-
The keys are used as follows:
2) decrements the ʻmaximumʼ position value
5) sets the ʻmaximumʼ position value to 128 (50%)
8) increments the ʻmaximumʼ position value
You can then use the ʻ-ʼ, ʻ+ʼ, ʻ3ʼ, ʻ6ʼ and ʻ9ʼ keys to move the analog output
over the full range of output (the full range is set by the values in the ʻmini-
mumʼ and ʻmaximumʼ columns). You can use these keys to test your adjust-
ments. The Br-ANA does this by using these keys to adjust the ʻforcedʼ
value. When you are done adjusting this output, you will want to make sure
you clear the ʻforcedʼ value, or the analog output will remain locked at the
last value set in the ʻforcedʼ column. You can do this by hitting the ʻ-ʼ key
twice, or hitting the ʻ3ʼ (decrement forced value) one more time after it is al-
ready at zero.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 39 of 60
This ʻforcingʼ feature can be toggled on and off using the command ʻa) toggle Auto force to 0% or 100%ʼ, or if you entered this
mode while holding down the
This ʻforcingʼ feature can be toggled on and off using the command ʻa) toggle Auto force to 0% or 100%ʼ, or if you entered this
mode while holding down the