Board error led, Dmx-512 led, Brain heart/running led – Gilderfluke&Co BR-ANA Analog Output Smart/Dumb Brick User Manual

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reprograms the microcontroller in the Br-ANA. Under no circumstances re-
move power from the Br-ANA while firmware is being updated. A partial
firmware update may ʻbrickʼ the Br-ANA, and then it will need to be returned
to the factory for reprogramming.

F) Board Error LED

(One Red LED)

This LED will flash when:


Br-ANA just booted (it stays on for a few seconds after booting
as a ʻlamp testʼ.


An error is found in the DMX-512 data checksum


An error is found in the 'Smart' Brick Network checksum

G) DMX-512 LED

(One Green LED)

This LED will be lit when the Br-ANA is receiving DMX-512 or RealTime

updates via the RS-422 serial port.

During AutoDownloads of show data to the Br-ANA, this LED will flash al-

ternately with the Brain Heart/Running LED to show that a AutoDownload is
in process.

H) Brain Heart/Running LED

(One Green LED)


ʻSmartʼ Brick mode: The heartbeat from the 'Smart' Brick Brain is
transmitted throughout the system over the 'Smart' Brick Network.
The presence of a healthy heartbeat means that the data on the
'Smart' Brick Network is getting through cleanly. If it ever stutters
or flashes erratically (or not at all), then there is a problem with the
'Smart' Brick Brain, the 'Smart' Brick Network, or the Br-ANA. As
the DMX-512 takes precedence over the 'Smart' Brick Network,
this LED will go dark whenever a DMX-512 signal is present.


ʻDumbʼ Brick mode: This LED will be lit when the Br-ANA is run-
ning a show from its internal clock and Flash memory.

During AutoDownloads of show data to the Br-ANA, this LED will flash al-

ternately with the DMX-512 LED to show that a AutoDownload is in process.

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-ANA Manual / December 18, 2012 10:21 AM / page 13 of 60