Securitron SABL INSTALLATION User Manual

Page 12

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Rev. C, 8/07

6.2.2. Adding Multiple User Codes
The SABL has memory locations for up to 59 User codes. These memory locations include
four (4) codes reserved for Passage & Lockout Modes (see Section 6.3). This allows

separate codes for individuals or groups which is a benefit because when one code is
changed (usually owing to a security worry), the people who use the other codes don’t
have to learn a new code. To program additional User codes, you follow the procedures
described above for setting the User code in memory location 01 but you employ memory
locations 02 through 59. For example, once the unit is in program mode (rapid yellow

flash), entering 0-2 followed by a code sequence will enter a second User code. The same
is true when you enter prefixes 0-3, 0-4 up to 5-5. When you’re programming multiple
User codes, note that you can enter them one right after another. When a code is
accepted, the unit signals by two (2) red flashes. It then automatically goes back into
program mode and another code can be immediately entered without exiting program
mode. Be sure to test all the codes you have entered before you consider programming

complete. You can individually erase any code (including the Program Code) by
entering program mode, pressing the prefix for the code (00-55) and then pressing the
“E” key or waiting 5 seconds until you get the two (2) red flashes.

6.3. Passage and Lockout Codes

6.3.1. Passage Mode
The SABL may be programmed to operate in passage mode. During passage mode
operation, a valid passage code will release the lock indefinitely. In order to re-secure the
lock, a valid passage code would have to be re-entered. Passage mode is generally used
in an application where the door is released all day during business hours by entering a

passage code and then secured after business hours by re-entering a passage code.

Previously we stated that the SABL could hold up to 59 user codes. Two of these codes
have been set aside for passage mode operation. The user locations for the passage
codes are 56 and 57.


1. When programming, a double flash of the red LED will confirm the acceptance of

the code.

2. When the 8-8 command is entered during programming, passage codes are deleted

along with all other user codes and the SABL is automatically taken out of passage


6.3.2. Lockout Mode
The SABL may also be programmed to operate in lockout mode. During lockout mode
no valid entry codes, passage codes or hard code will operate the lock. Entering a lockout

code once will disable all entry codes. Entering a lockout code a second time will re-
enable all entry codes. A typical application for lockout mode might be to lock out entry
codes so that employees have no access after business hours.

Two user codes have been set aside for lockout operation. The user locations for the

lockout codes are 58 and 59.


1. When programming, a double flash of the red LED will confirm the acceptance of

the code.

2. When the 8-8 command is entered during programming, lockout codes are deleted

along with all other user codes and the SABL is automatically taken out of lockout

6.4. Subset Codes
When you recognize that the SABL accepts multiple codes of different lengths, it is

possible that one code will be a subset of another. For example, suppose you programmed
“1-3-3-5-8” and then programmed “3-3-5” as another code. When you try to enter 1-3-3-5-
8, you can’t complete the entry because when the unit sees the sequence 3-3-5, it will