FEC AFC1500 User Manual

Page 8

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Functions Outline

The Multi Unit is a complimentary controller device to enhance the AFC1500
capabilities by providing the communication and the sequence control features
required by larger or more sophisticated multi spindle applications. When a
group of AFC1500 Servo Controllers (SAN Units) are linked to a Multi Unit,
the Multi Unit assumes control (over these spindles) of the following

§ Sequence Control
§ Parameter Programming
§ Fastening Data Monitoring & Communication
§ General Status Indication

Sequence Control
The Multi Unit assumes control of the control signals (e.g.: STOP, START,
REVERSE, BYPASS, etc.) to all of the AFC1500 Servo Controllers linked to
it via the RS485 communication port, thus eliminating direct connection &
control to the individual spindles. The control signals for the multi-spindle
array can be of different sources: Signals manually generated by pressing the
Control Buttons on the front of the Multi Unit or I/O (Input/Output) signals
from a PLC or from a PC Based Controller.
Also the Multi Unit controls the fastening sequencing eliminating the need for
external control devices (PLC) to perform complicated control sequencing.
All fastening sequencing is handled by the Multi Unit. This built in feature
allows the Multi Unit to control a variety of complex sequencing strategies
including; spindle grouping within the same application, several fastening
steps, reject (reversing) strategies, wait timing, multiple starts, etc.

Parameter Programming
A Windows

® compatible computer running the AFC User Console software

package can be connected to the Multi Unit in order to upload or download the
preset data to all the SAN (Servo) Controllers connected in the multi spindle
array. This eliminates the need to program individual spindles manually.

Fastening Data Monitoring & Communication
The Multi Unit can monitor and process the fastening results collected from
the AFC1500 Servo (SAN) Controllers connected to it. It has three (3)
configurable RS232C ports to input and output fastening data results. Data
monitoring / saving is also a function of the AFC User Console software
As an added feature, the Multi Unit stores previous fastening data in RAM
(volatile) for uploading at another time. The number of cycles stored is based
on the number of spindles connected and is as follows; 1 Spdl. = 1817 cycles,
7 Spdls. = 641 Cycles, 10 Spdls. = 479 cycles, 20 Spdls. = 263 cycles, 31
Spdls. = 173 cycles.
The number of cycles stored will be reduced if RS232 COM2 data is stored
with the fastening data. The data can be uploaded using the AFC User
Console software package.

Chapter 1: Multi Unit Outline