Interbus s interface board – FEC AFC1500 User Manual

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InterBus S Interface Board

InterBus S from Phoenix Contact is a open ring-based, distributed device I/O
network. I/O data is transmitted in frames that provide simultaneous and
predictable updates to all devices in the network. This interface board (S -
version) has up to 512 bytes of assigned input data and 512 bytes of assigned
output data* (64bytes default), two DB9 connectors and status LEDs. The 64
bytes of assigned I/O data allows a maximum of 512 inputs and 512 outputs
per node. FEC I/O is assigned to the I/O points in these data areas (some I/O
will be designated spare). FEC Inputs match the Discrete input layout. FEC
Output location is programmed using the AFC User Console Software.

* When using Master boards where the PCP channel is NOT supported, the
maximum number of I/O will be 20 input bytes/ 20 output bytes.

FEC integrates the Interbus-S board manufactured by HMS Fieldbus Systems
AB into the Multi-Unit modular I/O board. For further technical information
on the Interbus-S interface go to the HMS website. (


Communication Type

1-256 words

Packet Size

Point to point twisted pair


400 m




500K baud


InterBus Specifications

6002H, 6003H

Input objects

6000H, 6001H

Output objects

3 LED’s

Status Indicator

F3 Hex

ID Code

4 words (1 word PCP, 3 word data)

Data Width

+5VDC / 200 ma

Operating Voltage

Remote bus interface

Inters Interface type

512 (Default: 64 output data*)

Output data bytes (including free data)

512 (Default: 64 input data*)

Input data bytes (including free data)

Interface Specifications

* Actual Input/Output data length is configurable using the AFC Software
package. (See AnyBus-S Reference at the end of this chapter for I/O Setting

Chapter 3:

Control Interfaces