Teledyne GC-Pro/TCD - Gas Chromatograph User Manual

Page 80

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Operation GC-Pro






Touching the text box adjacent to either Days or Hours brings up a

numeric keypad for entering the time between calibration events (up to
255 day and/ or 24 hours). On numeric display user can see max and
min numeric value he can enter. After entering the value, press ENTER
to place the value into the onscreen box (days or hours). When the
correct values have been loaded into the Days and the Hours boxes,
touch the Green LED adjacent to Auto Cal to toggle it to the lit (bright
green) state. This enables the Auto Span feature. Or toggle it to the unlit
(dark green) state to disable auto calibration.

After pressing ENTER, a confirmation window pops up. Selecting

“OK” all inputs will be registered and the auto cal status as determined
by the state of the green LED will become active.

Touching the CANCEL button will abort the present inputs and

revert back to the last saved values and state.

Auto Cal countdown (if enabled) will begin as soon as the display

returns to the HOME screen by pressing the HOME icon.

4.5.11 Self Test

The GC-Pro TCD has a built-in self-diagnostic testing routine which

automatically runs whenever the instrument is powered up. The self-
testing routine can also be run by the operator at any time by pressing
the Self-Test icon on the MAIN screen.

In the self-test routine, preprogrammed signals are sent through the

power supply, output board, preamp board and sensor circuit. The return
signal is analyzed, and at the end of the test the status of each function is
displayed on the screen as either “GOOD” or “BAD”. If any of the
functions fail, the System Alarm is tripped.

Note: The self diagnostics will interrupt analysis temporarily.