Liquid Controls SP2800 User Manual
Page 6

1-3 Principles of Operation (continued)
The maximum count is 99999999. In the
setup mode choose "RO" (Reset to Zero) for
adding (count up) operation or "SP" (Set to
Preset) for subtracting (count down) opera-
tion. At any time, the display can be made
to flash the Grand Total by pressing the ENT
button while in the run mode. Activating the
CLR button while the Grand Total is flashing,
resets the Grand Total counter.
Unauthorized front panel changes can be pre-
vented by entering a user selected, four digit
code, in the "Lockout" mode. The status of
the unit can be observed but "LOCK ON" ap-
pears if changes are attempted. Entering the
code again returns the unit to "LOCK OFF"
Analog Output (Optional)
The Analog Output option is available on all
units except those with Square Law inputs.
Controlled by an Open Collector transistor, it
gives a 4 to 20mA (or 0-20mA) output which
corresponds to predefined rate or total read-
ings. In the Setup mode the user is prompted
to set the low and high (4 to 20 mA) values
and also decide if the analog signal will corre-
spond to the ratemeter or totalizer.
A sinking driver generates a linear current
across the user's external device (such as a
strip chart recorder, PLC, computer, external
meter, etc). The Batcher can supply the 24
VDC to power the current loop. (Connect pin
15 to 13, Pin 16 is now +24 VDC with respect
to pin 12.) Connect Pin 16 to the + DC side of
the external device and connect Pin 3 to -DC
side of the external device.
Frequency out
The Batcher generates a pulse out for each
factored count. An NPN transistor output (Pin
2), can drive external devices at rates of 10,
200, 2000 or 20000 counts per second as se-
lected through the keypad menu. If the K
Factor scaled inputs generate pulses faster
than the output speed selected, an internal
buffer will store up to 9,999 counts before
"DATALOST" flashes on the screen. This in-
dicates that the counts being totaled and the
scaled outputs may be incorrect. Note that
all counts stored in the internal buffer will be
pulsed out at the selected frequency even if
the counter is reset.
Outcard (Optional)
RS232 or RS422 serial two way communica-
tions are available. Up to 15 units can be
linked together in parallel and addressed
separately to transmit unit status or accept
new set points in the standard ASCII format.
Baud rates of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 or
9600 as well as choice of odd, even, space,
or mark parity can be selected by keypad con-