Fluid Components International CMF Series Manual Electronics Setup and Menus User Manual
Page 22
Model CMF Series
Fluid Components Intl
Document 06EN003327 Rev. -
Error system
The converter system is equipped with an error and status log system with 4 groups of information.
Information without a functional error
Warnings which may cause malfunction in the application. The cause of the error may
disappear on its own
Permanent errors which may cause malfunction in the application.
Fatal error which is essential for the operation of the flowmeter
2 menus are available in the service and operator menus for registration of information and errors
Error pending
Status log
Error pending
The first 9 standing errors are stored in “error pending”. When an error is removed it clears from
“error pending”.
The acceptance level for “error pending” can be individual configured to a particular application.
The acceptance level is set in the “basic setting” in the setup menu.
Acceptance levels
Fatal error: Fatal errors are registered as errors
Permanent errors (Permanent and fatal errors are registered as errors)
Warning (Default value): Warnings, permanent and fatal errors are registered as errors
The error information is displayed in the title and subtitle line. The title line will show the time since
occurrence of error. The subtitle line will flash between an error text and a remedy text. The error
text will indicate type of error (I, W, P or F), error no. and the error text. The text will inform the operator
of the action to take to remove the error.
Status Log
Like “error pending” except that information, warnings, permanent and fatal errors are always
stored in the “status log”. The “status log” stores the last 9 message during the last 180 days.
Alarm field
The alarm field on the display will always flash with an error pending.
Error output
The digital and relay output can be individually activated by an error (error level). The relay output
is default selected to error level. An output can also be selected to activate on a single error number.
The alarm field, error output and error pending will always operate together.
The analog output will turn to a 1 mA level when in the 4-20 mA mode.
Operator menu
Error pending and status log are as default enabled in the operator menu.
7.8.1 Error handling