General information – Burkert Type 8640 User Manual
Page 6

General information
Risk of burns/risk of fire if used continuously through hot device
• Keep the device away from highly flammable substances and
media and do not touch with bare hands.
The Type 8640 AirLINE was developed with due consider-
ation given to accepted safety rules and is state-of-the-art.
Nevertheless, dangerous situations may occur.
Electrostatic sensitive components/modules!
The device contains electronic components, which react sensitively
to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Contact with electrostatically
charged persons or objects is hazardous to these components. In
the worst case scenario, they will be destroyed immediately or will
fail after start-up.
• Observe the requirements in accordance with EN 61340-5-1
and 5-2 to minimize/avoid the possibility of damage caused by a
sudden electrostatic discharge!
• Also, ensure that you do not touch electronic components when
the power supply voltage is present!
4.1. Contact address
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems
Sales Center
Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17
D-74653 Ingelfingen
Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111
Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact addresses are found on the final pages of this operating
And also on the Internet under:
4.2. Warranty
The warranty is only valid if the AirLINE Type 8640 is used as intended
in accordance with the specified application conditions.
4.3. Informations in the Internet
The operating manual and the data sheets on Type 8640 can be found
on the Internet under:
Type 8640