Carlon Structured Cable Management Systems Handbook - Low Res User Manual

Page 42

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(walls, floor, doors, windows, etc.) are not threatened.
By definition, a pre-flashover fire will be contained
within the boundaries of the room of occurrence.
Occupants of rooms where such fires occur are usually
not at risk and, unless they are confined, can generally
reach safety readily in the absence of extremely rapid
fire growth. For such fires, the nature of wire and cable
installed there are unimportant since the walls are not
breached and the quality of the room boundaries are
not at issue.

In post-flashover fires, the situation is reversed, and
barriers and boundaries (walls, doors, floor/ ceilings,
etc.) are threatened with destruction due to high
temperatures and heat transfer conditions present.
To reach this situation, a post-flashover fire must first
fully involve the space in which it occurs, before it
will spread. Spread, either by convection of flames
and hot gases, or by destruction through boundary
burn-through or fracture, may then occur. Thus, the
post-flashover fire performance of a room is strongly
influenced by the integrity of its boundaries. Since
maintenance of boundary integrity is important in fire
rated buildings, specific construction techniques are
used to insure that installations such as those associated
with piping, wire and cable and HVAC do not contribute
unduly to fire spread and spread of fire related products.

As such wire and cable installations like those associated
with Carlon Structured Cable Management Systems
must follow certain guidelines – especially when the
installations are made in buildings having fire resistive
construction features whose integrity must not be
altered by the wire or cable installation.


– Penetrations take a variety of forms

in buildings – floor-to-floor, room to room, within room
to an interstitial space, etc. As one can see the number
of permutations and combinations possible are large.

It is generally considered that when items such as wire,
piping or ducting completely penetrate (i.e. through
penetrate) a fire resistive assembly a more critical
situation exists than when a single side of an assembly

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