Fire rated dual voltage boxes – Carlon Structured Cable Management Systems Handbook - Low Res User Manual

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Section 8.

Fire Rated Dual Voltage Boxes

As described in Section 4, certain situations require a
fire rated box. For those applications when a divided
dual voltage closed back box is needed, such as
placement in a fire rated wall, we offer our Carlon



2-, 3-, and 4-Gang and Old Work wiring

boxes with a divider that simply slides into place to
give you the divided box you need.

The 2002 National Electrical Code (NEC), per
section 800.52 (A)(1)(c) Exception No.1, allows
electrical conductors to share an outlet box when
the conductors and communication cables are
separated by a barrier within the box.

Carlon’s divider is offered in such a distinctive
orange color because upon seeing this divider,
inspectors will know immediately that high and
low voltage conductors are on opposite sides of
the divider and installed in an accepted Carlon box.

Low Voltage Divider Plate



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