Carlon Bore-Gard 10 Reasons to Use User Manual
Carlon, Bore-gard

1. Lower Overall Installed Cost:
is the lowest cost solution for installing conduit in directionally drilled applications.
When considering all of the advantages that Bore-Gard offers, it is obvious why so many
have standardized on Bore-Gard. Leading contractors, Regional Bell Operating Companies,
Independent Telcos, and Electrical Utilities are using Bore-Gard instead of HDPE to lower
their costs when installing telecommunications and electrical conduit via directional drilling.
Simpler handling, faster assembly, and lower labor cost all lead to increased productivity and
lower overall costs as detailed in this document. Some contractors that use Bore-Gard have
claimed to be able to do 2 to 3 bores in a day (versus only 1 bore per day with HDPE pipe)
because of the time and labor savings Bore-Gard offers. Shouldn’t you benefit from all of the
advantages of Bore-Gard?
2. Lower Freight Cost:
A Truckload of 4” SDR 13.5 HDPE typically consists of ten 625 ft., 8 ft. diameter reels
rendering only 6,250 ft. per truckload. A truckload of 4” Bore-Gard
is 12,480 ft., twice that of
HDPE, cutting the freight charges in half. For example, at a $900 cost per flatbed truckload,
the freight cost per foot for HDPE is $0.14/ft. Bore-Gard
is only $0.07/ft. HDPE in a 6”
diameter is typically offered in either 300 ft. or 500 ft. reels with a maximum truckload qty. of
1,800 to 2,000 feet. Bore-Gard 6” diameter is offered in 200 ft. and 400 ft. convenient
bundles with a maximum truckload qty. of 8,000 ft. At a $900 cost per flatbed truckload, the
freight cost per foot for HDPE 6” is from $0.45/ft to $0.50/ft. Bore-Gard
s 6” diameter is only
$0.11/ft., 75% lower than HDPE’s freight cost.
3. Greater Internal Fill Capacity:
When wound on a reel, HDPE’s cross-section is distorted into an oval. This reduces the
internal capacity for innerducts or cable. In turn, this increases the overall installed cost
because the capacity is lower than a truly circular duct. Further reducing the capacity of
HDPE SDR 13.5 is the small 3.8inch inside diameter for the 4” nominal diameter, and 5.6
inches for the 6” diameter. Bore-Gard
is superior in circularity and inside diameter. Bore-Gard
is packaged in bundles, not wound on reels, so it does not collapse into an oval shape - it
stays circular. In addition, the inside diameter is a true 3.0”, 4.0”, 5.0”, and 6.0” inch size
offering that enables more innerducts and cables to be placed. This results in lower installed
costs and a more efficient conduit system.
4. No Wasted Product:
When using HDPE, the last several wraps are usually scrapped. This is because material
closest to the core of the reel is oval in cross section due to it being wrapped so tightly. Once
the HDPE conduit is no longer held in place by the metal bands, it is very difficult to remove
from the reel. Bore-Gard is offered in convenient 10 ft. and 20 ft. lengths in standard conduit
bundles. Combined with the ability to solvent cement Bore-Gard to other PVC systems, there
is no wasted product.
5. Easier to Transport:
Offered in 10 ft. and 20 ft. lengths, Bore-Gard is easy to transport to and around the job site.
One length of Bore-Gard can be carried by one person over the toughest terrain. This solves
problems created by varied-terrain job sites for which a large, heavy reel of HDPE could not
be used. Because fewer people and less time are required to move the product around,
overall costs are reduced. This translates to getting more done in a day.
PVC Trenchless Raceway
Top 10 Reasons to Use Bore-Gard
Gross Automation (877) 268-3700 · · [email protected]