Varying finished wall thickness – Carlon Structured Cable Management Systems Handbook - Low Res User Manual
Page 18

Section 5.
Varying Finished Wall
Will this bracket be installed in a location where the
wall thickness may increase in the future due to the
additions of ceramic tile or wood paneling? Have you
ever installed a box or bracket and then
" wood
paneling is placed over the drywall? How difficult
was it to make that final connection or attach the wall
plate to the box?
Did you know that per the 2002 National Electrical
Code (NEC), Section 314.20, “In walls or ceilings of
concrete, tile, or other noncombustible material, boxes
shall be installed so that the front edge of the box will
not be set back of the finished surface more than 6 mm
in. ). In walls and ceilings constructed of wood or
other combustible surface material, boxes shall be flush
with the finished surface or project therefrom.”
Gross Automation (877) 268-3700 · · [email protected]
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