Definitions and conditions, Get more information – Atec Agilent-N9010A User Manual
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This EXA signal analyzer data
sheet is a summary of the
specifications and conditions
for N9010A EXA and N9010AEP
Express EXA signal analyzers,
which are available in the EXA
Signal Analyzer Specification
Guide (N9010-90025).
For ordering information, refer
to the EXA Signal Analyzer
Configuration Guide
Definitions and Conditions
Specifications describe the performance of parameters covered by the product
warranty and apply to the full temperature of 0 to 55 °C
, unless otherwise
95th percentile values indicate the breadth of the population (approx. 2 σ) of perfor-
mance tolerances expected to be met in 95 percent of the cases with a 95 percent
confidence, for any ambient temperature in the range of 20 to 30 °C. In addition to
the statistical observations of a sample of instruments, these values include the
effects of the uncertainties of external calibration references. These values are not
warranted. These values are updated occasionally if a significant change in the
statistically observed behavior of production instruments is observed.
Typical describes additional product performance information that is not covered by
the product warranty. It is performance beyond specifications that 80 percent of the
units exhibit with a 95 percent confidence level over the temperature range 20 to
30 °C. Typical performance does not include measurement uncertainty.
Nominal values indicate expected performance, or describe product performance
that is useful in the application of the product, but are not covered by the product
The analyzer will meet its specifications when:
• It is within its calibration cycle
• Under auto couple control, except when Auto Sweep Time Rules = Accy
• Signal frequencies < 10 MHz, with DC coupling applied
• The analyzer has been stored at an ambient temperature within the allowed
operating range for at least two hours before being turned on; if it had previously
been stored at a temperature range inside the allowed storage range, but outside
the allowed operating range
• The analyzer has been turned on at least 30 minutes with Auto Align set to
normal, or, if Auto Align is set to off or partial, alignments must have been run
recently enough to prevent an Alert message; if the Alert condition is changed
from Time and Temperature to one of the disabled duration choices, the analyzer
may fail to meet specifications without informing the user
For the complete specifications guide, visit:
1. For earlier instruments (Serial number prefix < MY/SG/US5052), the full temperature ranges
from 5 to 50 °C.