6 limitations, 7 warranty – SM Pro Audio V-Machines User Manual

Page 82

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V-­‐Machine  Operating  Manual    

Page  82  of  88  

SM  Pro  Audio



into  the  Trash.  


6 Limitations  


The  V-­‐Machine  is  based  on  a  custom  operating  system.  VST  plugins  are  intended  to  run  
on  Microsoft’s  Windows  operating  system.  Some  VST  plugins  may  not  function  correctly  

or  at  all  on  the  V-­‐Machine.  This  can  happen  for  several  reasons:  For  example,  the  plugin  
may  require  more  RAM  than  the  500MB  available  on  the  V-­‐Machine,  or  it  may  use  a  

form  of  copy-­‐protection  that  is  not  compatible  with  the  V-­‐Machine.  If  you  already  own  
the  plugin,  the  easy  way  to  determine  whether  it  is  compatible  with  the  V-­‐Machine  is  to  
import  it  into  a  Library  and  try  it.  If  you  are  thinking  of  purchasing  a  plugin  for  use  with  

the  V-­‐Machine,  check  the  SM  Pro  Audio  website  or  consult  your  local  V-­‐Machine  dealer  
to  determine  whether  the  plugin  is  known  to  work  with  the  V-­‐Machine.  

Performance  of  the  V-­‐Machine  and  the  VFX  Application  may  be  limited  by  the  amount  of  
RAM,  non-­‐volatile  memory,  and  CPU  speed.  

Display  of  VST  custom  GUIs  (graphic  front  panels)  will  usually  work  in  the  VFX  
Application,  but  some  plugins  with  special  graphics  needs  may  not  display  their  panels  

correctly.  Their  parameters  should  still  be  displayed  in  the  VFX  Application’s  parameter  
list,  however.  

Not  all  VST  Plugins  can  be  loaded  onto  the  V-­‐Machine  by  simply  copying  the  .dll  files  to  a  
USB  memory  stick.  Many  VST  plugins  demand  complex  installation  procedures.  SM  Pro  

Audio  maintains  a  large  database  of  Wizard  Files,  which  handle  the  details  of  importing  
plugins  into  Libraries.  However,  it’s  possible  that  no  Wizard  File  will  be  available  for  the  
plugin  you  want  to  use,  or  that  the  Wizard  File  may  be  compatible  only  with  a  different  

version  of  the  plugin.  Support  for  plugins  utilizing  custom  installation  procedures  may  
be  limited  or  only  supported  in  future  updates  of  the  VFX  Application.  

7 Warranty  

The  SM  Pro  Audio  warranty  covers  all  defects  in  material  and  workmanship  for  a  period  of  12  
months  from  the  date  of  original  purchase.  This  warranty  does  not  cover  defects  due  to  abuse,  
faulty  connections  or  operation  under  other  than  specified  conditions.  Warranty  coverage  is  

voided  if  the  device  is  repaired  by  unauthorized  persons  or  tampered  with  in  any  way.  SM  Pro  
Audio  reserves  the  right  to  refuse  all  warranty  claims  if  the  product  was  not  sold  from  an  

authorized  dealer  to  the  respective  end  customer.  

This  warranty  is  limited  to  replacement  or  repair  of  the  product.  It  does  not  limit  the  

customers’  rights  according  to  the  current  product  liability  regulations  of  the  country  where  
the  product  was  purchased.  

The  warranty  is  only  valid  if  the  customer  has  registered  the  product  via  a  valid  SM  Pro  Audio  
registration  method  as  outlined  below.  

Electronic  registration  –  Register  the  product  purchase  online  at