Daisy-chain connection – Extron Electronics PowerCage FOX 3G HD-SDI User Guide User Manual

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Config port — For RS-232 serial communication with any of the installed boards,

connect a PC using Windows


or an RS-232 control system to this 2.5 mm mini

stereo-style (tip-ring-sleeve) jack. The Extron 9-pin D to 2.5 mm stereo mini TRS
RS-232 cable (shown below), provided with the PowerCage 1600 Enclosure, can be
used for this connection.

6 feet

(1.8 m)

Part #70-335-01





Sleeve (Gnd)



9-pin D


TRS Plug

Pin 2

Computer Rx line


Pin 3

Computer Tx line


Pin 5

Computer signal ground


Figure 6.

9-pin TRS RS-232 Cable

RS-232 protocol varies depending on the board with which the computer is
communicating (see “


in the “Reference Information” section), but all

boards accept this basic protocol:


9600 baud

no parity

8 data bits


1 stop bit

no flow control

NOTE: The maximum distances from the transceiver to the controlling device

can vary up to 200 feet (61 m). Factors such as cable gauge, baud rates,
environment, and output levels (from the unit and the controlling
device) all affect transmission distance. Distances of about 50 feet (15 m)
are typically not a problem. In some cases, the unit may be capable of
serial communications via RS-232 up to 250 feet (76 m).


Temp LED — This LED lights when the enclosure is operating at a dangerously high

temperature (approximately 167 °F [75°C]) and equipment damage is imminent. If the
Temp LED lights, power down the unit, ensure adequate ventilation, and allow the
PowerCage system to cool before restoring power.

CAUTION: If this LED lights, remove power from the unit and contact Extron S3

Sales & Technical Support Hotline.

Daisy-chain Connection

When configured as a dedicated receiver, the PowerCage FOX 3G HD-SDI can pass a
signal along a daisy chain of to up to 10 receivers, with a display device attached to each.
All receivers in the chain must be compatible; in other words, they must all be SM or all
be MM models, connected with the appropriate fiber optic cable. Each FOX 3G receives a
signal at its Rx fiber optic port and passes the signal to the next unit through its Tx port.

PowerCage Fox 3G HD-SDI • Installation