Start time, End time, Daily feed amount – YSI 5200 User Manual

Page 99: Daily feedings, Biomass, Feed % (of) biomass, Daily (feed) weight, Fcr factor

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YSI Incorporated


5200 Recirculating System Monitor

Select Cont. (Continuous) if feedings are to occur over the entire day. Once a Continuous feed
configuration has been configured, the 5200 determines any remaining feeds for the 24 hour period,
ending at 23:59. In continuous feed mode the feed cycle always begins at 00:00 (midnight). Start and End
time fields are not available options for Continuous feed mode.

Start Time

Select the time the 1st feeding should occur (in 24 hour format). If configuration of timed feed mode is
done during a feed cycle, the 5200 calculates the number of feeds and their intervals for the remainder of
the time period.

In timed mode, the 1


feeding will always occur at the start time of the feed cycle.

End Time

Select the time the last feeding should be completed by. Because of the way the 5200 determines feed
cycle durations and intervals, the end time will occur during the last feed cycle interval, not at the end
time of the last feed cycle feed duration.

Daily Feed Amount

This is the total weight of food that will be dispensed over the feeding time period. The value is user
selectable from 000.1–999.9. The Feed Timer system divides the total daily feed amount by the number
of daily feedings and uses the calibration/test data to determine feed cycle duration times.

Daily Feedings

Enter the number of feedings per feed cycle time period; 1–99.

Note: Any change to feed timer configuration resets the feed timer system.


The optional FCR (feed conversion ratio) feature automatically increases the amount of food dispensed
over a feed cycle. The increase in the amount of food is based on the user selected increase in biomass
over a 24 hour period. Biomass and daily (feed) weight amounts are adjusted by the 5200 prior to the 1


feed “on” time of a scheduled feed cycle occurring after midnight.

NOTE: If changes are made to the FCR settings during a feed cycle, they do not take effect until the
following feed cycle.


Enter the total weight of all fish being fed at the time FCR is enabled; 1–32767.

Feed % (of) Biomass

Enter the percentage of the total fish weight (biomass) that will be used to determine the daily feed
weight; 0.1–9.9%.

Daily (Feed) Weight

Input the initial daily feed weight by multiplying the biomass amount by the Feed % Biomass percentage
(the 5200 will not calculate the initial amount). For example—if the biomass is 1000 and the feed %
biomass is 3%, the initial daily feed weight amount is 30. On each following day, the 5200 will use the
biomass value along with the feed % biomass to automatically calculate this value.

FCR Factor

Enter the ratio of the amount of food required vs. the corresponding increase in fish weight (biomass).
This value is used to automatically increase the biomass amount—as shown in the example below.