YSI 5200 User Manual
Page 67
YSI Incorporated
5200 Recirculating System Monitor
2. If your probe module contains a conductivity probe and it is Enabled, skip to Step 3. If your probe
module does not contain a conductivity probe (or the conductivity probe is not Enabled), enter
the salinity of the sample stream.
S a l i n i t y
3 0 p p t
NOTE: The instrument must be on for at least 20 minutes to polarize the DO sensor before
% S a t
E n t e r t o S e l e c t
3. Press the [e] or [f] key to select mg/L.
m g / L
E n t e r t o S e l e c t
4. Press the Enter [
] key. The current DO reading is displayed, along with a message on the
bottom line of the screen.
D O 9 . 5 2
W a i t t i l S t a b l e
5. Place the probe module in water with a known DO concentration. Be sure to completely immerse
all the sensors.
NOTE: The DO sensor requires a sample flow rate of at least 1 foot per second. If the sample is
not flowing, stir the water with a stir bar or by rapidly moving the probe module through the
6. Allow at least one minute for temperature equilibration before proceeding.
7. Observe the DO reading. When the reading shows no significant change for approximately 30
seconds, press the Enter [
] key.
U s e r V a l
0 9 . 4 7
8. Enter the current DO value in mg/L. The display will return to the DO Calibration menu.
C a l i b r a t i o n
E n t e r t o S e l e c t
NOTE: You may enter one of the other DO System menus (Set Point, Control, Alarm or Setup
menu), but your calibration changes are not saved until you exit the DO System menu as
described below.
9. Press the [
] key to exit the DO System menu. You will be prompted to save your changes.
C a l i b r a t i o n
S a v e ? Y e s
10. Press the Enter [
] key to save the new calibration value, or press the [e] or [f] key to select
No, then press the Enter [
] key to exit without saving any changes.
11. Rinse the probe module and sensors in tap or purified water and dry.