YSI 5200 User Manual

Page 46

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YSI Incorporated


5200 Recirculating System Monitor

Changing the temperature scale automatically recomputes your Set Points. For example, if your Set
Points were entered in Fahrenheit and you change the temperature scale to Celsius, all of your Set Points
will be automatically converted to their Celsius equivalents. Select the temperature scale as follows:

From the Temp System menu, press the [e] or [f] key until the Setup Menu option appears.

S e t u p M e n u

E n t e r t o S e l e c t

Press the Enter [

] key.

T e m p S c a l e

E n t e r t o S e l e c t

Press the Enter [

] key.

T e m p S c a l e
T e m p S c a l e ? ° C

Use the [e] or [f] key to select either °F or °C.

T e m p S c a l e
T e m p S c a l e ? ° F

Press the Enter [

] key.

T e m p S c a l e

E n t e r t o S e l e c t

NOTE: You may enter another of the Temp System Menu options (Set Point Menu, Control Menu or

Alarm System), but your changes are not saved until you exit the Temp Setup Menu as described

Press the [


] key two times to exit the Temp Setup Menu. You will be prompted to save your changes.

S e t u p M e n u
S a v e ? Y e s

Press the Enter [

] key to save the changes, or press the [e] or [f] key to select No, then press the

Enter [

] key to exit without saving any changes.