Operation, Run screen, Section 5 – YSI 5200 User Manual
Page 35: Creen, 1 run screen
YSI Incorporated
5200 Recirculating System Monitor
Section 5. Operation
Operation covers the basic set up and operation of the 5200 Recirculating Monitor including:
Run Screen
Main Menu
Parameters Menu
Daily Checks
System Test
See Section 9 Advanced Setup for more advanced set up options.
In the Parameters menu section, Temperature is explained in step-by-step detail as an example. Once
familiar with the temperature set up procedure, other parameters can be set up in a similar manner.
5.1 Run
The initial 5200 display is the Run screen.
D O 8 . 3 1 m g / L
T e m p 1 8 . 5 ° C
The current values of enabled parameters are displayed (two at a time in a rotating fashion) on the Run
Screen. The speed with which the display automatically rotates through these values can be changed (see
Section 9.1.4 Display, Display Speed). The parameters may also be manually rotated by pressing the [e]
or [f] arrow key. Press the [
] key to hold the currently shown parameter on the top line of the
display. An H will appear to the right of the parameter indicating Hold mode. Press the [
] key again to
hold the 2
displayed parameter. Press the [
] key again to return to the normal display that rotates
through all parameters.
D O 7 . 1 5 m g / L H
T e m p 1 8 . 5 ° C
Any messages will also appear on the Run Screen. As systems are activated or alarms are triggered the
display provides up to date status on the system being managed. Up to 16 events are saved and displayed
in sequence. Figure 3.2 shows the Run screen.
Current readings and any
messages rotate through the
display. (Order may vary)
Hold indicator
DO 7.11 mg/L
Temp 18.5°C
Cond. 24.0ms*
Sal. 10.4ppt
pH 7.32
ORP 270 mV