Agp bridge configuration – Asus NCCH-DLE User Manual
Page 87
A S U S N C C H - D L E
A S U S N C C H - D L E
A S U S N C C H - D L E
A S U S N C C H - D L E
A S U S N C C H - D L E
4 - 2 5
4 - 2 5
4 - 2 5
4 - 2 5
4 - 2 5
Init Display First [AGP Slot]
Init Display First [AGP Slot]
Init Display First [AGP Slot]
Init Display First [AGP Slot]
Init Display First [AGP Slot]
Allows you to select the graphics controller to use as primary boot device.
Configuration options: [PCI VGA Card] [AGP Slot]
Auto Detect PCI Clk [Enabled]
Auto Detect PCI Clk [Enabled]
Auto Detect PCI Clk [Enabled]
Auto Detect PCI Clk [Enabled]
Auto Detect PCI Clk [Enabled]
Allows you to select the maximum PCI bus speed to be programmed.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Spread Spectrum [+/- 0.5%]
Spread Spectrum [+/- 0.5%]
Spread Spectrum [+/- 0.5%]
Spread Spectrum [+/- 0.5%]
Spread Spectrum [+/- 0.5%]
Allows you to select the clock generator spread spectrum.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [+/- 0.1%] [+/- 0.2%] [+/- 0.3%]
[+/- 0.4%] [+/- 0.5%] [+/- 0.6%] [+/- 0.7%] [+/- 0.8%] [+/- 0.9%]
[+/- 1.0%]
AGP Aperture Size
AGP Bridge Configuration
Select Menu
Item Specific Help
Size of the AGP
AGP Bridge Configuration
AGP Bridge Configuration
AGP Bridge Configuration
AGP Bridge Configuration
AGP Bridge Configuration
AGP Aperture Size [128]
AGP Aperture Size [128]
AGP Aperture Size [128]
AGP Aperture Size [128]
AGP Aperture Size [128]
Allows you to select the size of the AGP aperture.
Configuration options: [4] [8] [16] [32] [64] [128] [256]