Asus NCCH-DLE User Manual

Page 147

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A S U S N C C H - D L E

A S U S N C C H - D L E

A S U S N C C H - D L E

A S U S N C C H - D L E

A S U S N C C H - D L E

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5 - 3 5

5 - 3 5

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When prompted, use the arrow keys to select the source disk, then
press .


When prompted to start the duplication process, press to
continue; otherwise, press to abort the operation.


After you have created the RAID 1 set, press any key to reboot the system.
During POST, the FastTrak S150 TX4™ BIOS checks and displays the
disk array information.


Use the FDISK utility to format the array as a single hard drive.

10. After you have formatted the arrayed drives, install an operating

system (OS). The OS will treat the RAID 1 array as a single drive unit.