Additional recommended equipment – Ocean Optics LIBS2000+ User Manual

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1: Introduction


Laser (LIBS-LASER) – You can supply your own laser or purchase one through Ocean Optics.
We recommend the ULTRA CFR Nd:YAG laser from Big Sky Laser Technologies

). Laser requirements include a low-divergence laser

beam (a tight focus is required to achieve a spark), an active electro-optic Q-switch, and external
triggering and synchronization for the laser flashlamp and Q-switch through the OOILIBS


Personal computer – With Windows 98/Me/2000/XP operating system

Additional Recommended Equipment


LIBS Imaging Module – Consists of a PixeLINK™ Megapixel FireWire Camera, either black
and white (LIBS-IM) or color (LIBS-IM-SC), in a box mounted in between the LIBS laser and
the LIBS Sample Chamber. This product is designed to enable you to precisely adjust the laser to
focus on the exact spot on the sample that you wish to analyze. The imaging module also comes
with PixeLINK software for the camera to capture high quality images on your PC and a 12 VDC
power supply.


Argon Gas Tank and Cable – Supplies argon gas to the LIBS Sample Chamber to prevent
Pennington-type reactions from occurring


Safety goggles – Although the LIBS Sample Chamber is constructed of special safety glass to
protect you from the laser, it is recommended that you purchase safety goggles to use whenever
you are working with a Class III or above laser.
