Display in this window control, Graph counts display – Ocean Optics OOIIrrad-C User Manual
Page 22
3: Controls and Menus
Toggle the switch on and off to enable the Analysis control. However, before you enable the Analysis
control, you must configure the spectrometer for the type of measurement you wish to obtain.
To configure the spectrometer,
1. Click on the Configure | Spectrometer option from the menu bar.
2. Select
Irradiance Measurements or Color Measurements tab.
3. Configure the type of measurement you wish to obtain from the options on each tab.
Display in this Window Control
When the Analysis control is activated and there is more than one value to display, the values appear in
separate window. However, you can select one of the values to appear in the main window to the right of
the spectral window (see
Graph Counts Display
The Graph Counts display shows the raw spectral output (typically found in Scope Mode) if you are
operating in a mode other than Scope Mode. It is useful to monitor the raw-data saturation condition since
it will corrupt data.