GE P&W FuelSolv - Slag Control Treatment Program at EKPC Spurlock Station User Manual
Page 6

Page 6
Technical Paper
Heavy slag buildup on SH Pendants and bottom
edge of SH Platens. Slag falls from Platens caused
damage to lower furnace tubes.
No Slag buildup on SH Pendants. No Clinkers on bot-
tom edge of SH Platens. No slag falls from Platens.
Unit 2 experienced similar results. The FuelSolv
FMG2960 treatment program did not eliminate slag
buildup; however, slag that did develop was more
friable and easier to remove with sootblowing.
Unit 2 experienced three outages in March, May
and October 2010, following the start of the Fuel-
Solv FMG2960 treatment program.
In the March outage, clean gas paths between RH
assemblies were observed. Little slag was seen on
the bottom of the SH Pendants. The slag that was
present was a very brittle and friable deposit that
shed easily as the unit came down and cooled.
Some wall clinkers that did not shed as the unit
cooled were present. The largest wall clinker at
the Left Front Wall trouble spot was removed with
a shotgun in about an hour. Compared to the pre-
Unt 1- Pendant SH from Front wall Right
Unt 1- Pendant SH from Front wall Left
Unit 1-100% Illinois Basin Coal-No Treatment
Unt 1- Bottom of Rear SH Platen from Front wall at
Center Right 6-18-10