Treatment application, Boiler performance, Tools – GE P&W FuelSolv - Slag Control Treatment Program at EKPC Spurlock Station User Manual
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Technical Paper
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Treatment Application
Fuelsolv FMG2960 was applied directly to the coal at
the Unit 1 and 2 Crusher House. The target dosage
was 75 ml of FMG2960 per ton of coal treated. See
Figure 3.
FMG2960 feed was automated to two belts, PC1A
and PC1B. Typically PC1A feeds Unit 1 while PC1B
feeds Unit 2, however either belt can feed either
unit. Chemical feed was automated using a 4-20 mA
signal from each belt scale, with coal-on-belt and
belt running permissive signals. An ACTech Variable
Frequency Drive (VFD) and Periflo peristaltic chemi-
cal metering pump were dedicated to each belt. The
Fuelsolv FMG2960 was delivered to the plant in 240-
gallon totes and transferred using a high volume
transfer pump.
A temporary feed system, for the purpose of con-
ducting an evaluation of the FuelSolv FMG2960 slag
control technology was relatively simple to install
once all of the feed system components were on
site. The feed system for Spurlock station was in-
stalled and operational in about 3 weeks’ time. (See
Figure 1 and Figure 2)
Boiler Performance
The objective of the FuelSolv FMG2960 slag control
program was to minimize the impact of slagging
while burning a high percentage of lowest cost, high
sulfur, high slagging index coal. The intent was to
burn 100% of Coal-A during an initial evaluation,
when possible. Success of the program would be
determined by the following criteria:
Hard slag formation across Pendant RH on
Unit 2
Clinker formation on bottom of Pendant SH on
Unit 2
Large clinker formation on Platen SH sections
on Unit 1
Damaging slag falls on both units
Unscheduled down time due to slag falls
Unscheduled down time for off-line cleaning
Derates due to uncontrolled slag formation
A number of different tools were used to docu-
ment the conditions in the boilers treated with the
FuelSolv FMG2960. These included:
FMG2960 Application Rate
Visual Inspections
Slag Ratings