GE P&W Mobile Water Treatment Systems - MobileFlow User Manual
Mobileflow, Description and use, Typical applications

Fact Sheet
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FS1057EN.doc Apr-09
Description and Use
GE offers the world’s largest fleet of mobile water
treatment systems, providing demineralization,
filtration, softening, and deoxygenation treatment,
quickly and efficiently – available for either emer-
gency, supplemental, or extended term service.
All aspects of treatment, from system analysis and
design through installation, maintenance, up-
grades and emergency response are available.
Included are immediate system backup, complete
analytical laboratory, application and engineering
consultants, qualified Field Service Representa-
tives (FSR’s), regional service centers, and a 24-
hour dispatch and control center.
Each MobileFlow* system contains six rubber-
lined ASME code steel tanks of uniform size, with a
patented piping system to allow operation in se-
ries or parallel. The system can be operated by
FSR’s, your plant personnel or remotely monitored.
Automatic shutdown features protect from power
failure, excess pressure and off-specification wa-
ter. Regional service centers perform regenera-
tion quality control checks on every unit.
Demineralization treatment is available in as little
as two hours plus transit time. Other special ap-
plications may require additional time.
Typical Applications
Premium 10% cross-linked cation resins and po-
rous Type I strong base anion resins are standard
in custom loading of the MobileFlow system.
Regeneration of ion exchange resins at service
centers provides the highest conversions for eco-
nomical production of ultra pure water. A proprie-
tary rinse is used on the selected resins to prevent
any residual QC test water from remaining in the
trailer when it is delivered to the user. Off-site
resin regeneration gives the customer the use of a
true zero discharge system.
Formalized resin purchase specifications include
specific test procedures and quality limits to en-
sure that the products are free of manufacturing
impurities, and can meet the most stringent speci-
GE stands alone in filtration capability, having pio-
neered in-line coagulation for the mobile water
treatment industry. The MobileFlow system takes
advantage of a proprietary dual media filter that is
treated with a biocide, acid, and hot water after
each use to protect against cross-contamination
from various surface water sources.
We guarantee the effluent quality for influents up
to 50 NTU and the system can also treat water up
to 100 NTU. Treatment flow rates are dependent
upon the influent turbidity values. Typically, flow
rates up to 600 GPM per trailer are possible with
influent values of less than 10 NTU.
Our patented DEOX* process provides a water
quality of less than 1 ppb dissolved oxygen, with
0.5 ppb typically measured. Clients in the pulp and
paper, petrochemical, refinery, and utility
industries have benefited by our capability to
Document Outline
- MobileFlow*
- Description and Use
- Typical Applications
- Our patented DEOX* process provides a water quality of less than 1 ppb dissolved oxygen, with 0.5 ppb typically measured. Clients in the pulp and paper, petrochemical, refinery, and utility industries have benefited by our capability to deoxygenate water
- Utilizing a cation/mixed bed configuration, condensate can be polished to remove crud loading and trace ionic contaminants during unit start-ups or for longer-term requirements. The 10% cross-linked cation resin is strong enough to withstand aggressive
- General Properties
- Further Information