PowerWalker WinPower Software V. Manual User Manual
Page 42

Below is the use remark of SMS setting:
1. Sender
SMS is sent through GSM modem or mobile phone connected with your computer. User should
select COM port that is being used by GSM Modem or mobile phone, and set baud rate of the COM
port. Locus means that where user is.
2. Receiver:
Receiver is the mobile phones numbers who can receive the SMS. It can be one or more. If the
Event that you have selected occurs, PowerWalker-WinPower will send the event message to the
phone numbers in the "Receiver" list.
3. UPS message, Telecom Power System message and ATS message list
User can select the events that need to be informed by SMS.
Note: If the OK button is invalid, it means that your access right to the current Agent is
“Read Only”, and you can’t carry out the operation. You should log in as a super user.
17) "Monitor Remote Device" Dialog
The "Monitor Remote Device" Dialog will show when user selects "Monitor Remote Device" item of
"Monitor" menu. Refer to the following diagram 3-2-17-1.
Diagram 3-2-17-1
Enter the IP address or host name of an Agent to be monitored, and press “OK” button. If the
agent exists, its information will be shown below the "WAN" node in the tree view of the Manager
1) The number of remote agent monitored is up to 256.
2) If the software can't communicate with the remote agent in 1 minute, the agent will be kept on the
left tree, and the status of this agent will be "Network Communication Lost".
3) You can delete a remote agent by select the agent node manually, then click the mouse right
button to show a pop up menu, select "Delete" menu item to remove it. Refer to the following
diagram 3-2-17-2.