PowerWalker WinPower Software V. Manual User Manual
Page 32

8) "Event Action" Dialog
The “Event Action” dialog can be opened, by clicking “Event Action” item of “Device” menu or
button in the toolbar. Refer to the following diagram 3-2-8. In the “Event Action” dialog, users can
select that which action will be carried out when some events occur. For each event, the actions that
users can select are Record, Broadcast, Email, Send SMS and Send Pager. There are three kind
events, The UPS event list is for UPS, Telecom Power System event list for Telecom Power System
and ATS Event List for ATS.
Three grades icon of event: Severity (red), Warning (yellow) and Message (blue).
Note: if you want to use the e-mail notification function, you must setup SMTP server first.
For the detailed information, please refer to “How to realize sending event message by e-
9) "Shutdown Settings" Dialog
The “Shutdown settings” dialog can be opened from the “Shutdown Parameter” item of the
“Device” menu. Refer to the following diagram 3-2-9.