Cli tree of menus, Info (show identification data), System (open system menu) – B&B Electronics 516TX-A - Manual User Manual
Page 18: Switch (open switch menu)

(Revised 8/4/2009)
CLI Tree of Menus
info (Show identification data)
SYSTEM (Open system menu)
nview (Get information about N-View function)
info (Get information about N-View)
enable/disable (Enable/Disable N-View)
aging (Aging Time for dynamically learned addresses)
info (Get information about Aging)
enable/disable (Enable/Disable Aging)
config (Configure Aging)
info1 (Get information about system - ports 1->8)
info2 (Get information about system - ports 9->16)
info3 (Get information about system - ports 17->24)
info4 (Get information about system - ports 25 & 26)
upwd (Set a user defined password)
restore (Restore factory defaults) **Note: Power cycle is required when completed.
SWITCH (Open switch menu)
mirror (mirroring)
info (Get information about Mirroring)
enable/disable (Enable/Disable Mirroring)
config (Configure Mirroring)
trunking (Assign Port Trunking Groups)
info (Get information about Trunking)
enable/disable (Enable/Disable Trunking)
config (Configure Trunking)
qos (Quality of Service - traffic priority)
info (Get information about QOS)
en_tag/dis_tag (Enable/Disable Tagged QOS - 802.1p)
set_tag (Set Tagged QOS threshold - 802.1p)
en_port/dis_port (Enable/Disable Port QOS)
set_port (Set Port QOS - higher priority ports)
vlan (Virtual Local Area Networks)
info (Get information about VLAN)
enable/disable (Enable/Disable VLAN)
if tagged now:
untagged (Untagged pkt handling)
port (Switch to Port Based VLAN)
if port now:
tagged (Switch to Tagged VLAN)
group1 (configure tagged VLAN Group 1)
group2 (configure tagged VLAN Group 2)
group3 (configure tagged VLAN Group 3)
group4 (configure tagged VLAN Group 4)
group5 (configure tagged VLAN Group 5)
group6 (configure tagged VLAN Group 6)
group7 (configure tagged VLAN Group 7)
group8 (configure tagged VLAN Group 8)
cleargroups (clear all 8 tagged VLAN Groups)