Rainbow Electronics ATA5746 User Manual
Features, Applications, Benefits

Transparent RF Receiver ICs for 315 MHz (ATA5746) and 433.92 MHz (ATA5745) With
High Receiving Sensitivity
Fully Integrated PLL With Low Phase Noise VCO, PLL, and Loop Filter
High FSK/ASK Sensitivity:–105 dBm (ATA5746, FSK, 9.6 Kbits/s, Manchester, BER 10
–114 dBm (ATA5746, ASK, 2.4 Kbits/s, Manchester, BER 10
–104 dBm (ATA5745, FSK, 9.6 Kbits/s, Manchester, BER 10
–113 dBm (ATA5745, ASK, 2.4 Kbits/s, Manchester, BER 10
Supply Current: 6.5 mA in Active Mode (3V, 25°C, ASK Mode)
Data Rate: 1 Kbit/s to 10 Kbits/s Manchester ASK, 1 Kbit/s to 20 Kbits/s Manchester
FSK With Four Programmable Bit Rate Ranges
Switching Between Modulation Types ASK/FSK and Different Data Rates Possible in
≤1 ms Typically, Without Hardware Modification on Board to Allow Different Modulation
Schemes for RKE, TPMS
Low Standby Current: 50 µA at 3V, 25°C
ASK/FSK Receiver Uses a Low-IF Architecture With High Selectivity, Blocking, and
Low Intermodulation (Typical 3-dB Blocking 68.0 dBC at ±3 MHz/74.0 dBC at
±20.0 MHz, System I1dBCP = –31 dBm/System IIP3 = –24 dBm)
Telegram Pause Up to 52 ms Supported in ASK Mode
Wide Bandwidth AGC to Handle Large Out-of-band Blockers above the System I1dBCP
440-kHz IF Frequency With 30-dB Image Rejection and 420-kHz IF Bandwidth to
Support PLL Transmitters With Standard Crystals or SAW-based Transmitters
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) With Output Signal Dynamic Range of 65 dB
Low In-band Sensitivity Change of Typically ±2.0 dB Within ±160-kHz Center
Frequency Change in the Complete Temperature and Supply Voltage Range
Sophisticated Threshold Control and Quasi-peak Detector Circuit in the Data Slicer
Fast and Stable XTO Start-up Circuit (> –1.4 k
Ω Worst-case Start Impedance)
Clock Generation for Microcontroller
ESD Protection at all Pins (±4 kV HBM, ±200V MM, ±500V FCDM)
Dual Supply Voltage Range: 2.7V to 3.3V or 4.5V to 5.5V
Temperature Range: –40°C to +105°C
Small 5 mm
× 5 mm QFN24 Package
Automotive Keyless Entry and Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems
Alarm, Telemetering and Energy Metering Systems
Supports Header and Blanking Periods of Protocols Common in RKE and TPM
Systems (Up to 52 ms in ASK Mode)
All RF Relevant Functions are Integrated. The Single-ended RF Input is Suited for Easy
Adaptation to
/ 4 or Printed-loop Antennas
Allows a Low-cost Application With Only 8 Passive Components
Suitable for use in a Receiver for Joint RKE and TPMS
Optimal Bandwidth Maximizes Sensitivity while Maintaining SAW Transmitter
Clock Output Provides an External Microcontroller Crystal-precision Time Reference
Well Suited for Use With PLL Transmitter ATA5756/ATA5757