Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9223-SA Dual-Channel 3G_HD_SD MPEG-4 Encoder Unit User Manual

Page 60

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9223SA-OM (V2.0)

bandwidth) or in the server (not enough CPU power/disk bandwidth). If the segment size
is small (3 seconds or less), increasing the segment size may improve the situation.

HTTP Transfer Errors: this indicator reports the number of errors encountered while
transferring segments. These may be network errors, or may be configuration errors.
The exact error description will be shown in the configuration area, in the area on top of
the Apply button. One example is shown below, where the server is not responding
(incorrect IP address).

If Direct HTTP Streaming is selected in the Encoder Connections Tab, three indicators are added
to the status area:

IP Output Rate: This indicator reports the aggregate average bit rate to all connected
clients (so it can be higher than the transport rate).

Connections: This indicator reports the number of clients currently connected to this

Dropped Packets: This indicator reports the number of transport packets dropped over
the current connections. Once a connection terminates, the dropped packet count for that
connection is reset.

If RTMP is selected in the Encoder Connections Tab, five indicators are added to the status area: