Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9223-SA Dual-Channel 3G_HD_SD MPEG-4 Encoder Unit User Manual

Page 53

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9223SA-OM (V2.0)

Username: Enter the username to be used for authentication.

Password: Enter the password to be used for authentication.

App: Enter the application name in the server, as discussed above. Consult your CDN or
server documentation to find out what should be entered in this field.

Server URL: This field is automatically updated as you configure the RTMP parameters.
It displays the full RTMP URL for the primary server. The backup server URL is

Stream: Enter the stream name. Consult your server documentation or CDN to find out
what should be entered here. Some servers allow arbitrary stream names, while others
use this field for authentication and thus require specific names.

Connect: This parameter controls whether or not the encoder should actually establish a
connection with the server. If you set this parameter to No, the encoder will run but no
data will be transmitted. This is useful to pre-configure a session, and turn it on later
when it comes the time to broadcast.


The maximum aggregate RTMP performance for the 9223 is 12 Mb/s. If the unit has
two encoder channels, this limit applies to the sum of their video bit rates. For example,
if one encoder channel is configured for RTMP at 8 Mb/s, the other can only be
configured for RTMP at 4 Mb/s or less. The limit does not apply to encoder channels
configured for UDP/RTP/ASI streaming.

Using one of the encrypted variants of the protocol (rtmpe, rtmps, rtmpte, or rtmpts)
will also have a performance impact and will reduce the maximum usable rate.

Performing a firmware update while the encoder is running RTMP at high bit rates may
cause service interruptions to the RTMP stream. If you need to update the firmware, we
recommend that you do so during a maintenance window.

The Apply/Cancel Buttons

The Apply/Cancel buttons are available at the bottom of the Basic, Advanced, and Connection
screens. These are not separate buttons – they are multiple instances of the same buttons,
repeated on each screen for convenience. If no changes have been made to the settings, the
Apply/Cancel buttons are grayed out; once any changes are made, they become available.
Changes do not take effect until the Apply button is pressed. If you make changes but decide
not to apply them, click on the Cancel button and the user interface reverts to where it was
before. Once you click on the Apply button, the changes are implemented.