VEGA VEGASON 51V…53V User Manual

Page 57

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VEGASON 51 V … 53 V



• Click to the menu "


and choose the measurement loop
(in the example only one is available).

The menu window "

Simulation of outputs",

which is similar to the previous menu window
opens. In this menu window however you can
simulate the filling of the vessel or the signal
current and the indication to an individual
value (measured value simulation).
First of all the actual measured value and the
signal current are displayed.

• Click in the turquoise window cutout to


The grey scrollbar in the turquoise window
cutout becomes active. With this scollbar you
can modify the measured value in the range
of -10 % … 110 % and hence simulate the
filling or emptying of your vessel.
In the field with the figures above the scroll-
bar you can enter an individual %-value for
the filling degree.



Adjustment with PC on VEGAMET