1 product description, 1 function – VEGA VEGASON 51V…53V User Manual

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VEGASON 51 V … 53 V

Product description



1 Product description

1.1 Function

The continuous level measurement with ultra-
sonic sensors is based on the running time
measurement of ultrasonic pulses.

Measuring principle:

Piezoceramic high-performance transducers
emit focussed ultrasonic pulses reflected
from the surface of solids and liquids. The
meas. signal prepares a precise picture of
the meas. environment out of the running time
and signal shape of the reflected ultrasonic
pulses. The transducers operate as emitter
and receiver. As receiver the transducers are
high sensitivity piezomicrophones.

Out of the physical sound velocity and the
detected actual running time of the emitted
sound impulses, the meas. electronics calcu-
lates precisely the distance between trans-
ducer and product. The distance is con-
verted into a level proportional meas. signal
and provided acc. to the sensor parameter
adjustment as exact scaled level. The instru-
ments operate with emitting frequencies from
34 kHz to 70 kHz to be prepared for the
different distances and requirements.

As the sound velocity is subjected to a tem-
perature influence, the transducer detects
continuously the ambient temperature so that
the level is provided precisely even with
varying ambient temperature.

emission - reflection - receipt
