M&C TechGroup SS-5_3 Data sheet User Manual
Gas conditioning unit series pss, Special features, Application

M&C TechGroup Germany GmbH • Rehhecke 79 • 40885 Ratingen • Germany
[email protected] • www.mc-techgroup.com • Fon +49 2102 935-0 • Fax +49 2102 935-111
Embracing Challenge
Low maintenance and self-monitoring
Outlet dew point adjustable from +2 °C
to +15 °C
Dew point stability ± 0,1 °C
Operational in 10 minutes
Compact construction
Optimum reliability
Jet Stream heat exchangers in 3 stand-
ard materials
Universal equipment possible
Special Features
Gas Conditioning Unit series PSS®
Version SS-5, SS-5/3 plate mounted unit,
universally equipped for 150 or 350 Nl/hr gas flow rate
This unit, mounted on an aluminium plate,
provides a completely pre-installed sample
gas conditioning for continuous use that can
be excellently integrated within gas analysis
Its compact construction only takes up little
space. The SS-5.. units are ready for use in a
few minutes. This makes time-consuming
procurement of individual components and
assembly superfluous.
Typical application examples for the SS-5..
units are: flue-gas and process-gas condition-
For special problems like aerosols, various sol-
vents, explosive gases in hazardous areas, we
can provide you with other solutions.
The M&C SS-5... gas conditioning unit is
equiped with an ECP...... gas cooler which
cools the sample gas to constant +5 °C inde-
pendend of the ambient temperature.
As soon as the operating temperature of <
+8 °C is reached after start-up, the gas pump
N...KPE is switched on automatically via the
status contact of the gas cooler.
The SR 25.1 peristaltic pump ensures a con-
stant condensate removal, which makes a
long term measurement possible without
The corresponding particle filtration is carried
out by a 2µm filter type FP-2T.
This makes the SS-5... unit a complete gas
conditioning system suitable for most of the
Technical specifications and illustrations are without
obligation, subject to modifications. 09.96/12.11